viernes, 29 de septiembre de 2017

                                Contamination in Valledupar.

Problens of contamination

  • Contamination make peoble more and more exposed to cardiovascular problems, with the serious danger that this entails for our health and life.
  • the ozone layer protects us from the sun's rays, which can become deadly without this layer. the consequence of this weakening is that each time we protect less and, therefore, each time we have a higher temperature on the planet.
  • contaminationto the environment affects water and soil, which makes more and more species endangered.
  • surely you have already realized that winters can be much colder or that summers are much hotter, while you have surely realized that seasons like winter and summer can be longer and that of average temperatures, are getting shorter.

  • it is assumed that if people become aware and try to have transport measures that do not contaminate as much as walking, use patine, bisicleta, etc ...
  • Use cloth bags. Avoid consuming the plastic bags as they take longer to disintegrate.
  • Do once a week "ecological day"
  • it is assumed that if one half of the population of Valledupar recycled there would be a very large change

  • this is one of the images that shows the great pollution that there is in Valledupar